We’ll guide your executive recruiting process from start to finish... (flyer)
Facilitate an in-depth assessment of the position requirements and organizational objectives.
Create digital marketing tools for targeted recruiting on the right platforms and networks from which JDA will attract, screen, and qualify the best candidates.
Present fully vetted candidate profiles for final selection process as well as provide helpful resources for effective interviews and discerning the right fit.
Help your organization hire the best-fit candidate to join your leadership team and broaden the impact of your mission.
More details about what we'll do...
For Nonprofits
Meet with your staff, via video conference, to understand your organization, its culture needs, and requirements, as well as the expectations for the position to be filled.
Prepare Position Opportunity Profile, describing your organization, position overview, vocational experience, qualifications, and other characteristics needed.
Determine sources from which to seek qualified candidates.
Assist your staff in conducting outreach; mining data resources to recruit qualified candidates with the right vocational experience, personal faith, ministry vision, and values aligned with your organization.
Guide you to conduct thorough vetting process of all candidates, including in-depth personal interviews, and careful assessment of strengths and weaknesses.
Prepare Candidate Profiles, Candidate Questionnaires, and recorded video interviews.
Provide regular written reports to keep you advised of progress on the search.
Assist you in narrowing the field to top three to four candidates from which you will select the finalist.
Once final candidate is chosen, reference interviews are completed and added to the Candidate Profile, as well as background checks and degree verifications.
Assist you in final negotiations to ensure you have your best opportunity to hire the preferred candidate.
Follow up with your new leader after he/she starts in their position, to assist in the transition building the relationship between the hiring executive and your new team member.
“The shared effort took most of the workload of the search away from the college staff, but also allowed us to stay close enough to the process and the candidates that by the time we got to the finalist interviews, we felt like we knew each of them very well… I would not hesitate to recommend J. Davis & Associates to others.”
Doug Jones - VP for Finance at Westmont College

For Colleges and Schools
Meet with you and your staff, via video conference, to understand your institution, its culture needs, and requirements, as well as the expectations for the position to be filled.
Prepare Position Opportunity Profile, describing your institution, position overview, vocational experience, qualifications, and other characteristics needed.
Determine sources from which to seek qualified candidates.
Assist your staff in conducting outreach; mining data resources to recruit qualified candidates with the right vocational experience, personal faith, vision, and values aligned with your school.
Conduct a thorough vetting process of all candidates, including in-depth personal interviews, and careful assessment of strengths and weaknesses.
Prepare Candidate Profiles, Candidate Questionnaires, and recorded video interviews.
Provide regular written reports to keep you or the hiring team advised of progress on the search.
Assist in narrowing the field to top three to four candidates from which you will select the finalist.
Once final candidates are chosen, reference interviews are completed and added to the Candidate Profile, as well as background checks and degree verifications (if desired).
Coordinate in person interviews with the candidates and interview team as the final assessment.
Assist you in final negotiations to ensure you have your best opportunity to hire the preferred candidate.
Follow up with your new leader after he/she starts in their position, to assist in the transition building the relationship between the hiring executive and your new team member.
“We never felt that JDA was being transactional, and that is a hard thing to do in this day and age. We really sensed and felt the ‘service-orientation’ of JDA and their strong willingness to work with us and meet our needs.”
Dave Evans - President at LifeNet International

For Churches
Meet with your staff and/or elders, via video conference, to understand your church, its community needs and requirements, as well as the expectations for the position to be filled.
Prepare Position Opportunity Profile, describing your church, position overview, vocational experience, qualifications, leadership/spiritual walk expectations, and other characteristics needed.
Determine sources from which to seek qualified candidates.
Assist your staff in conducting outreach; mining data resources to recruit qualified candidates with the right vocational experience, personal faith, ministry vision, and values aligned with your existing values statement.
Facilitate a full vetting process of all candidates, including in-depth personal interviews, and careful assessment of strengths and weaknesses, theological background, leadership style, and sermon evaluation (if applicable).
Prepare Candidate Profiles, Candidate Questionnaires, and recorded video interviews (including spouse/family, if applicable).
Provide regular written reports to keep the search committee, influencers, or elders team advised of progress on the search.
Assist search committee in narrowing the field to top three to four candidates from which your church will select the finalist.
Once final candidates are chosen, reference interviews are completed and added to the Candidate Profile, as well as background checks and degree verifications (if desired).
Help coordinate guest preaching dates so the congregation can meet potential candidates (and their spouse, if applicable).
Assist your church in final negotiations to ensure you have your best opportunity to hire the preferred candidate.